Group 125

Branding & Marketing 



Can you believe a human body without a skeleton? Similarly, a brand without appropriate content is like a weak skeleton which certainly won’t last too long. However, precise content associated with the brand’s fundamentals will keep the brand young, active and relative. So the content strategy is an objective of growing your brand’s awareness and audience by creating and distributing content that informs, educates & engages.  

Content strategy efforts will be more effective and efficient with proper awareness and documented plan. That’s not just us suggesting you, but more than half of the most successful brands have a well-established plan of content as they know what will keep the brand’s stature solid. Also, content strategy costs you 60% less than external marketing and creates three times more impressions. Brand strategy substantially stands on content and it is one of the vital ways of developing a brand. So including a content strategy in the branding framework should be a no-brainer and its outcomes are too great to ignore!  

Steps to Develop -  

  • Put Down Your Objectives

    The first step in your content strategy is to put down your objectives. Create a brisk questionnaire. What are you aspiring to do? Why are you curating content? How do you create a pathway towards your objective including content? The most probable answer will be to generate leads. That’s a great point to start, but it’s not quite enough. Content is an aspect which should not be utilised just to make more profit, but to define your brand’s character, morals, mission, values and philosophies.  
  • Know Your Audience


    Understanding your audience is very important while curating content. Knowing buyer persona, tone, mindset, beliefs and psychology will help you create more personal content which will be associative in nature. After all, you wouldn’t wish to embarrass, mock or ridicule your audience by being unaware and ignorant! Would you? Certainly not ideal! 
  • Establish Keyword Search 

    Use the topics in your content; that your ideal customers are interested in.  

    Use your keyword research tool to see what top-ranking pages are and what type of content, is generating the most traffic. This is a great point to make sure your content is reaching more distribution channels.  

  • Audience’s Search Intent

    Search intent is basically the purpose of an online search. When someone searches for a very peculiar action or ‘how-to’ topic you shouldn’t place the entirety of the topic before them, but very brief consumable content. You want to rank organically by offering your audience what they’re looking for. That’s why search intent is predominant to keep in mind. 
  • Give Your Best


    To develop a compelling, brand-building strategy, you need to prioritise creating high-quality content. An average person’s big portion of time spent is for consuming content. To hold your audience’s attention, you need to be creating high-calibre content. So give your best in terms of content but surely as per your brand guidelines. 
  • Decide Distribution Channels

    The ultimate goal is to get your content to as many interested people as possible. After you’ve posted your content on your website, you should share it on other social media platforms, email it to your database, use it for internal or external conference material or seminar/webinar purposes. 
  • Continuous Evolving

    Content strategy and content marketing highly depend on trends, so you must adapt, modify or completely evolve your content. Monitoring what’s interesting, can help you curate relevant content and yield more positive outcomes. Continuous evolution in content tone, structure and elements significantly help create a brand identity.

There you go! Acknowledging content and its importance is the first step you must take to really get into strategic brand management. After all, no one would like to see a blank page on a website, social media posts or even physical marketing channels (unless intentional!), and that says a lot about the dominance of content.