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Branding & Marketing 


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What happens when people take advertising slogans literally?

Brand marketing is harnessed by the power of this creativity which does not only give you a good story but makes you sure and see what exactly and how exactly the brand hits right into its bull’s eye. This marriage of marketing strategy and creative process is a dynamic and essential partnership. Nowhere is this synergy more evident than in the creation of a brand’s slogan. There are so many wonderful marketing and advertising stories that need to be heard and there is so much behind these Catchy, High Recall Value Slogans that people may take them literally. Take Red Bull for instance, Red Bull was sued in a class action lawsuit in 2014 for false advertising. The plaintiffs argued that the slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” was misleading because it implied that the drink could actually give people wings. While the lawsuit didn’t succeed, it serves as a humorous example of what can happen when people interpret advertising slogans too literally.

But what’s the science and art behind these memorable phrases?
Well, it is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community…faster. That’s the trick that makes you remember the brand and its identity eventually. That’s what brings the magic of creativity and business in the game together. But here are the methods that go behind creating this magic.

1. Memorability:
A memorable slogan retains the brand at the top of the consumer’s mind in a sea of many brands and products. It involves creating that mental “shelf space.”

2. Emotional Connection:
Powerful slogans frequently evoke strong emotional responses. They appeal to shared emotions or desires, giving customers a sense of appreciation or inspiration.

3. Differentiation:
A catchy phrase can help a brand stand out from its competition. It can quickly and easily convey a unique selling strategy.

4. Simplicity:
A good slogan’s beauty lies in its simplicity. It’s simple to recall and often enjoyable to repeat.

5. Drive Action:
Captivating slogans motivate the audience to take a particular action, whether it’s to make a purchase, transform a perspective, or start a behavior.

A brand’s value proposition lies at the heart of crafting a compelling slogan as it communicates the unique benefits and values that the brand offers to its target audience. A well-crafted slogan reinforces this proposition, serving as a memorable and persuasive message that sets the brand apart in the market.

Marketing stories often carry that emotional connection every brand has with its audience, and a compelling narrative that resonates emotionally creates a connection between the brand and consumers. That is where the demand for a great slogan encapsulates this story succinctly, making it memorable and impactful. Imagine if someone takes the Adidas logo as ‘impossible is nothing.’ Wouldn’t that be surprising to see him walking on the water to see that the impossible is really nothing?

While it’s amusing to imagine a world where advertising slogans are taken at face value, the reality is that these phrases serve a powerful purpose in the branding world. They’re the result of extensive market research, a deep understanding of human psychology, and creative genius.
KFC’s famous slogan has prompted more than a few individuals to do exactly as it says – lick their fingers clean after a meal. While this might not be the most refined table manners, it speaks to the idea that slogans can create subconscious associations that affect consumer behavior.

But how do you can actually make that work or bring it on page? First, make sure the slogan is relevant to your product or service. Second, make sure the slogan is easy to understand. Third, make sure the slogan is memorable. And finally, make sure the slogan is something that people can relate to. While slogans are crafted to be catchy and highly recalled, their ultimate goal is to encapsulate a brand’s essence, promise, and value proposition in just a few words. Brands spend years crafting slogans that resonate with their target audience, and sometimes, they end up with more than they bargained for – a slew of consumers who take their slogans to heart, quite literally. These interpretations, while quirky, are a testament to the enduring power of effective branding and advertising.

So, next time you come across a memorable slogan, appreciate it for the magic it is and the method it represents.KFC’s famous slogan has prompted more than a few individuals to do exactly as it says – lick their fingers clean after a meal. While this might not be the most refined table manners, it speaks to the idea that slogans can create subconscious associations that affect consumer behavior.

And do you even take these slogans quite literally??