The Power of Storytelling in Branding for Connecting Better with Audience

power of storytelling in branding

Share Table of Contents Introduction: The marketplace is bustling with a number of competitors trying to be in the limelight. The leading brands in the world are aware of brand storytelling & its impact. These brands try to craft attention-grabbing ad campaigns via storytelling in branding. People are extremely fond of stories, which depict any […]

What is the Impact of Content Marketing on Brand Growth?

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Share Table of Contents Introduction: A lot of components depend on what type of content a brand is publishing. Content marketing involves generating & publishing useful & engaging content to gain engagement. The rise of internet users & the downfall of traditional methods of buying behavior are changing the market functioning. Due to the digital […]

Personal Branding: Deconstructing the need of it

pearsonal branding blog

Share Table of Contents Introduction: As marketing geeks, we often want to establish a personal brand. We strive for the same day-in & day-out. Personal branding is where you’ve successfully created a perception about yourself in the minds of your target audience & your competitors as well. It is an impression of you for people […]

Brand Archetypes: The Essence of a Brand

brand archetypes blog

Share Table of Contents Introduction: The archetypes convey deeper meaning of brands that are synonymous to the brand’s vision & mission. The brand archetype accesses something deeper & richer in the consumer psychology. A classified psychologist Carl Jung defined it as: “There are forms or images of a collective nature which occur practically all over […]

Why SEO is important for business websites?

why SEO is important

Share Table of Contents Introduction: SEO is a sustainable way to market your website. Using it to create a regular audience & generate consistent leads is essential for a website’s success. Brands that implement an organic strategy the right way are standing out early and often- and it’s more important now than ever. In digital […]

How web design & development affects user experience?

web design development

Share Table of Contents Introduction: An appealing web design & development has become imperative than ever. A successful website design involves depth & consideration of a whole lot of points. Website design doesn’t only involve making the website look good, it also involves making navigation through the website easier. The user experience is affected hugely […]

Decoding the Dynamics: Exploring the differences between Marketing and Branding

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Share Table of Contents Introduction: People often unknowingly use the terms marketing & branding interchangeably. When you sit with your team to formulate a brand strategy, an important question is: Whether to start with marketing the product or should the organization launch it directly as a branded product? If the company itself is an established […]

What digital marketing hacks should you adopt to grow your business?

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Share Table of Contents Introduction: Businesses have become digital as newer technologies have started emerging into the business sphere. Unless, you’re living under a rock, you must already know the importance of digital marketing in today’s business spheres to increase brand awareness. Almost every business today has a website, and those who don’t, at least, […]

Redefining the Art of Content marketing for brand building

brand building blog

Share Table of Contents Introduction: Over-night success is now possible. Yes, absolutely possible. Via content marketing. Brands are seen as personalities wherein winning the customers heart is the topmost priority. Amidst the competition, getting noticed or standing out has been challenging than ever. But with content marketing, brands have an opportunity to express themselves, or […]

Top 10 tips on typography in web design

typography in web design blog

Share Table of Contents Introduction: The typography in your web design can be a huge reason for gaining higher impressions or clicks on your website. An ideal typography is which hits the customer’s minds & intrigues them to visit the website again & again. A good typography in web design is a vital & strategic […]